Yapay Zeka Destekli Tarım Analiz Platformu
+90 538 949 4254
+90 538 949 4254
Our Analysis System
Our system analyses plant density and assesses plant growth status using data obtained from UAV or satellite imagery.
In this way, you can determine the period when the plants on your land reach the appropriate maturity for harvesting.
The correct determination of the harvest period ensures that the plants are harvested at optimum quality and yield.
Artificial Intelligence Supported Agriculture Analysis Platform
Sakarya Teknokent Esentepe Mahallesi Akademiyolu Sokak Technology Development Zones
Building:2 - ROSEM No:21
Uyduyu cebinize fiyatları yere indirdik. :)
Duyaroğlu Şirketler Grubu’ndan 2,2 Milyon dolarlık değerleme üzerinden yatırım aldık.